Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wedding Free Wednesday.....well Thursday again {Roseville and Sacramento Wedding Planner}

Another great Esty find....lately I'm in love with these personalized necklaces.

Here's one by KIDesigns

Another one by Creationsbymichele

Maybe my favorite one I found by BragAboutIt


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wedding Free Wednesdays~I gotta CRUSH on you!!! {Roseville Wedding Planner}

My husband and I went to our local Nugget grocery store and low and behold they had this beautiful display of my fav Crush soda, just in time for Valentine's Day!!!

I loved it so much I had to take a picture of it. The cashier looked at me like I was either crazy or a tourist...hilarious!

Monday, February 15, 2010

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Coordination package winners!!! {Roseville Wedding Planner}

Conway Creations is pleased to announce our Valentine's Coordination package winners:

Liz Freitas won a FULL Day-of Coordination package!!!

Teresa Limon won a Rehearsal Coordination package!!!

All Compliments of Conway Creations & Events, Wedding and Event Coordination and Staffing Company

*package may be used by you or be transferred to someone else.

CONGRATS Ladies!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wedding Free Wednesday well Thursday in this case~My beloved cats {Roseville Wedding Planner}

I captured these over a series of  an hour or so over the weekend while working from home (yes, in bed) on the computer.

About every two minutes my adorable fur-babies would switch positions, while still nestling into each other. I should point out that Parker (orange tabby) HATED Luna (grey tabby) when we first got her. It was the only time I've ever seen him hiss at anything.'d never know it!!!

Strech break-"hmm, what's that noise?"                         Big yawn.....

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday FAB Finds {Roseville Wedding Planner}

This is my latest FAB-find in regarding to the bridal world!!!

I came upon these when I was getting married and wasn't able to purchase them because it didn't match my theme but now I wish I could have used them for my rehearsal or in some aspect of my BIG brides, use them!!! They're too cute!!

Check out the maker on Esty:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wedding Free Wednesdays~These Boots are Made for Talking {Roseville Wedding Planner}

I wanted to share with you a little more about myself so I decided to have "Wedding Free Wednesdays" and today is the first edition!!!

These are my newest purchase, my gorgeous new boots...comfy cute and a steal for only 30 bucks!!!

Lately I have a new obsession for the color purple, so these will fit right in! They're so cute that they needed a special spot amongst my other shoes in my closest and thus they face out to showcase to the WORLD...well my world that is! hehe